SCONE meeting 03-09-2018
The 20th SCONE will be hosted by the University of Edinburgh and is sponsored by the Scottish Informatics & Computer Science Alliance (SICSA).
As per the established tradition, SCONE will be an informal gathering of researchers working on networking and systems topics in (and around) Scotland.
PhD students and postdocs are particularly encouraged to give short presentations of their work. As always, there will be opportunities to discuss fresh ideas, get friendly feedback, and meet and chat with others working on similar topics.
Informatics Forum
10 Crichton Street
Edinburgh, EH8 9AB
Speaker: Eiko Yoneki, University of Cambridge/Alan Turing Institute
Title: Efficient Massive-Scale Graph Processing
Abstract: The emergence of big data requires fundamental new methodology for data analysis, processing and information extraction. The main challenge here is to perform efficient and robust data processing, while adapting to the underlying resource availability in a dynamic, large-scale computing environment. Do we really need high-performance computers or large cluster computing? I will introduce our recent work on the graph processing that features billion- scale of vertices and edges in a commodity single computer, which requires secondary storage as external memory. Executing algorithms results in access to such secondary storage and performance of I/O becomes important, regardless of the algorithmic complexity or runtime efficiency of the actual algorithm in use.
Bio: Eiko Yoneki is a Research Fellow in the Systems Research Group of the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory and a Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute. Her research focusses on auto-tuning of data processing/analytics framework to deal with complex parameter space using machine learning for efficient parallel processing on scheduling and load balancing. She also works on projects with African countries, including modelling of infectious disease spread using remote sensing techniques. For example she aims at supporting farmers by early detection of crop bugs or diseases by applying sensing and image analysis with machine learning.
12:00-13:00 – Lunch
13:00-15:00 – Talks
- Keynote: “Efficient Massive-Scale Graph Processing”, Eiko Yoneki (Cambridge/Turing)
- “Multi-resolution sketches and locality sensitive hashing for fast trajectory processing”, Maria Astefanoaei (Edinburgh)
- “Representation Learning in Graph Analysis”, Kin Sum Liu (Stony Brook)
- “Model-based Integration Testing Techniques for IoT Systems: Current Challenges and Possible Solutions”, Miroslav Bures (Abertay/Czech TU)
15:00-15:30 – Coffee & Scones
15:30-16:30 – Talks
- “Long-Term Mobile Traffic Forecasting Using Deep Spatio-Temporal Neural Networks”, Chaoyun Zhang (Edinburgh)
- “Improving Direct-Control Reinforcement Learning for Network Intrusion Prevention”, Kyle Simpson (Glasgow)
- “Topological Signatures For Fast Mobility Analysis”, Abhirup Ghosh (Edinburgh)
16:30-17:30 – Community discussions / Announcements
17:30- Pub + dinner
- Ibrahim Algamhdi, University of Glasgow
- Maria Astefanoaei, The University of Edinburgh
- Adam Barker, University of St Andrews
- Xavier Bellekens, Abertay University
- Miroslav Bures, Abertay University/Czech Technical University in Prague
- Pramod Bhatotia, The University of Edinburgh
- Marco Cominelli, University of Brescia/University of Edinburgh
- Marwan Fayed, University of St Andrews
- Fox Foster, School of Informatics
- Abhirup Ghosh, University of Edinburgh
- Tristan Henderson, University of St Andrews
- Mario Kolberg, University of Stirling
- Mircea-Mihai Iordache Sica, University of Glasgow
- Rui Li, University of Edinburgh
- Yuhui Lin, University of St Andrews
- Kin Sum Liu, Stony Brook University
- Xiaodong Liu, Edinburgh Napier University
- Mahesh Marina, The University of Edinburgh
- Paul Patras, The University of Edinburgh
- Colin Perkins, University of Glasgow
- Dimitrios Pezaros, University of Glasgow
- Valentin Radu, The University of Edinburgh
- Mah Rukh, University of Edinburgh
- Stefanos Sagkriotis, University of Glasgow
- Rik Sarkar, University of Edinburgh
- Kyle Simpson, University of Glasgow
- Rajkarn Singh, University of Edinburgh
- Eiko Yoneki, University of Cambridge/Alan Turing Institute
- Chaoyun Zhang, The University of Edinburgh
- Qianru Zhou, University of Glasgow